Thursday 24 October 2019

Our Lady reveals to Catalina how to properly live the Eucharist

I'm posting this here, specially for those who call our church 'norvus ordo'; For you to realize that what you call is the One True Church founded by Jesus and which is being under attack from within [since early 19th century] by ecclesiastical freemasons [permanent instructions of the alta venditta + the jewish peril 1936] and jewish communist agents {Bela Dodd, AA-1025].

For example, if sedevecantists instead of having erroneously left the church, had stayed and help fight these wolves, maybe all would be a bit better; But no, the cowards left and in the top of their arrogant pride, they think they know it all.

This is one of many examples that debunks the entire position of sedevecantists, Our Lady has once stated that even if a wolf celebrates the Eucharist, if he says the words of the consecration right, Jesus will be really present - This testimony is proof that this norvus ordo is the real church under attack in these end times -